Under the Regulation respecting Occupational Health and Safety (RSST), every lifting device must be inspected and comply with current standards and manufacturers’ maintenance recommendations.
Under the Regulation respecting Occupational Health and Safety (RSST), every lifting device must be inspected and comply with current standards and manufacturers' maintenance recommendations. Doing so ensures maximum safety and protects workers who handle heavy loads with these devices. It is therefore for legal and safety reasons that inspection is mandatory for this type of equipment.
Our service team considers the inspection and maintenance of your lifting devices to be of the utmost importance. Complete PREMIUM inspection and maintenance plans, detailed electronic inspection reports and follow-ups carried out without delay; everything is put in place by the PREMIUM team in accordance with current standards (CSA, CMAA, ASME, etc...) and BEST PRACTICE to ensure the longevity and long-term productivity of your equipment fleet.
Premium Industrial Group's service team provides complete inspections for your lifting equipment of any brand. All our technicians are certified and have a minimum of 8,000 hours of experience in the field of lifting devices.
Following the inspection, you will receive a complete and detailed electronic report that you can file in your archives.
A closer look at the 3 types of inspections
In accordance with the CSA B167-16 standard, all lifting equipment must be inspected to ensure safety in the workplace. How do you differentiate the different types of inspections for overhead cranes and other lifting equipment? In an effort to properly explain these inspections, here is a summary of each one.
The purpose of this inspection is to check the lifting device before every shift. It also includes confirmation that the equipment is shut down after that shift. These two verifications must be performed by the operator himself. The objective is to detect any anomaly before use and to ensure that the equipment is safely shut down before the next shift. All this information must be recorded in the daily logbook of the equipment and must be easily accessible to operators and supervisors.
The initial inspection at the beginning of the shift has 2 parts: an off-line inspection of the equipment, which consists of a visual check of all essential components. Once the device is turned on, the operator also needs to perform various tests to ensure that it is working properly.
The shutdown check is performed at the end of the shift. It ensures that the machine is properly turned off before the next shift.
The purpose of this inspection is to "locate defects, operating problems and damage" on the equipment. That is why this inspection must be performed by "a competent" and "qualified person" (CSA B167-16 6.4.1; 6.4.2 1) b)). It must also be done directly on the equipment, rather than from the ground.
Frequent inspections should be performed at frequencies that vary from daily to monthly, depending on the usage category of the equipment. To find out more about the periodic inspection of your equipment, you will need to identify its usage category (A to F) and refer to the CSA B167-16 standard in section 6.4.1.
As part of the frequent inspection, the competent and qualified person will make an audio and visual examination of critical components of the equipment, and record their observations in writing in the equipment maintenance logbook.
The purpose of this inspection is to detect potential defects "to determine if they affect the safe operation of the lifting device. "(CSA B167-16 If so, it must be performed by an "Elevating Devices Inspector" (CSA B167-16 It must also be done directly on the equipment, rather than from the ground.
The periodic inspection must be carried out according to the usage category of the device, varying from quarterly to annually. To find out more about the interval for the periodic inspection of your equipment, you will need to identify its usage category (A to F) and refer to CSA B167-16 standard in section
As part of the periodic inspection, the inspector will focus on all components of the lifting device, including frequent inspection checks. He will use the manufacturer's instructions as a basis for his examination, or alternatively, a protocol developed by a competent individual. He will write down his observations in the maintenance logbook for this equipment.
Since this equipment involves lifting heavy loads, it must always be in sound condition. It is essential for the safety of the workers. That is why the objective is not only to inspect, but also to repair the equipment so that it can be used safely.
All inspections must be conducted in compliance with the manufacturer's guidelines and the applicable standards. Although the CSA B167-16 standard is the reference in Canada, the company itself may set additional (but no less restrictive) standards by considering certain factors related to its type of industry or workplace.
You might be wondering if we offer the inspection of structures supporting overhead cranes? Indeed, this service is provided by our sister company, Premium Industrial Structures.
Need more information about our inspections? Fill out the form below, and our team will be happy to guide you!
Groupe Picard- Jean-Denis Perron
“ Their ability to listen to our specific needs was a major strength. They have always responded quickly and efficiently, especially in emergency situations, which has greatly contributed to the continuity and success of our operations... I highly recommend Premium Industrial Group to any company looking for a reliable, structured and responsive partner. Their professionalism and commitment to quality and safety make them a model in the industry. „
Université Laval
Michel Lafrance
“ Since the beginning of our collaboration, Groupe Industriel Premium was able to help us target our needs while respecting our high safety criteria. At every step of the project, from the engineering to the completion of the project, we benefited from courteous, efficient and fast service. In addition, I would like to specify that this project was delivered within the deadline in collaboration with the various subcontractors present on the field. I have no doubt about the expertise of Groupe Industriel Premium. „
Modern Event Furniture – Jean-Francois Delisle
“ Nowadays, everyone claims to offer exceptional service, but very few know the real definition. Throughout the project of our new plant, the work done by Industrial Premium Group took place on time, at cost, and especially in a super-efficient way. This collaboration was a real pleasure from beginning to end, and they really can claim to offer exceptional service. Thank you all! „
Fabrinov – Rémi Poulin
“ I want to thank you all for the good work you’ve done at Fabrinov. I am extremely satisfied by both the quality of the product and the professionalism of your crew. Job was finalized quicker than expected and everything went smoothly. While no one was running on site, there was no waste of time! Your crew knew exactly what they were doing! „
Benjamin Cloutier
“ We are fully satisfied with the result. The whole project met our expectations in terms of budget, deadlines and quality. Even the tidiness of the old structure in the roof beams was done as requested. „
Les Entreprises Carco inc.
“ Groupe Industriel Premium is a team of professionals! We have done several overhead crane installation projects with them. A reliable, experienced and qualified team that listens to the needs of the client and respects deadlines and safety. „
Unisson Structures
Marc Sauriol-F
“ I wanted to personally thank you for all your hard work. Sometimes accolades are hard to come by, especially when there are a few surprises along the way, but I really mean it: Thank you! „
RMH Industries
Gaétan Dionne
“ Thank you to the Groupe Industriel Premium team for their great work on this project. They presented a personalized offer answering to the specific needs of our company. The project was delivered on time and respected the initial specifications. „
CR Nouvel-Air- Jonathan Milette
“ Very good specialized company. Extraordinary value for money. Company with very human service. „
TMS Solution
Marc-Antoine Coulombe
“ Thanks to the support of the Groupe Industriel Premium, we made the right decision according to our needs. We had the equipment delivered on time with a fast installation. Thank you for helping our company on its journey. „
Danaca Transport
“ Thank you to Groupe Industriel Premium team for their excellent service! „
Structures RBR
Alain Lebel
“ We have Premium who takes cares of our overhead cranes and we can rely on them. „
Yves Perron
“ To the Groupe Industriel Premium team, thank you for the excellent work. You have greatly participated in the success of the Renard project. „
AnodiQ inc.
Steve Fontaine
“ After 5 years of operation, we are proud to have kept their service, the quality of our Gorbel structure allows us to successfully complete our activities. „
Groupe Machinex
“ Our new overhead cranes are truly efficient when it comes to securely load and move large equipment like this MACH Trommel which weighs 60,000 lbs! This trommel is now ready to leave our Machinex facility! „
Gordon McAllister
“ Professional and safe work, consistent habits of all staff. „
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